Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Festival of Lights

Once Thanksgiving is over I usually get uber excited about the holidays. Probably because when I was a kid (and even to this day) my Mom decorates the house for Christmas the Friday after Thanksgiving while listening to cheery tunes. Since we are leaving this weekend for vacation, I don’t want to wait until we get back to decorate (the month would be almost a third over!). I couldn’t bear the thought of returning from a week long warm-climate getaway (hopefully to a Michigan winter wonderland, with no ice on the roads of course), and NOT having the apartment Christmas ready. So I decided to squeeze it into my to-do list once I got home from this past holiday weekend.

Here are a few ways that we spread holiday cheer around our Love Nest:
{first time we've ever had a wreath on our own front door}
{Max and I slowly fill these throughout December with random surprises for one another to open on our Christmas - P.S. Max's real name is David (Dave)}
{TREE! - one day we'll have a life size tree, but for our time in an apartment the Charlie Brown version is perfect}
{lights on the balcony - a work in progress since I thought I had more...}
{holiday snacks OBVIOUSLY!}
Missing: Poinsettia, which will be promptly purchased once we return from our trip
xx Meg

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