Friday, March 7, 2014

Friday Five!

{post yoga treat at Harmony}


This week flew! I practiced yoga 4 times (5 after tonight’s Shake Your Asana) and ran more than I have in months (two months until 10k, uh oh!), focused on a big project at a work, took care of a sick husband, and made great strides on some personal goals! It was a good week!

Max’s birthday is Monday but we’re starting the celebration this weekend! The kid is allowed to do whatever he wants (as long as he’s feeling up to it after battling the flu earlier in the week). Monday we’ll have the big dinner celebration but in the meantime it’s all him for the next two days. Whatever he wants he gets. He deserves it J

Friday Forte: 

{my company decided that the employees were feeling a little too winter blue-ish, so they threw an impromptu Hawaiian Day!}

{mimosa & chick flick Sunday with Jen celebrating her Mom’s successful surgery!}

{sunshine is working its way back into Michigan}

{my new favorite right-when-i-get-to-work snack… Raspberry w/ dark chocolate shavings currently tops the flavor list}

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