Monday, December 8, 2014

Monday Motivators!

[We spent a bit of time outside in the spring-like temps over the weekend. Rather than sunbathing though,  I think Apple was really trying to telepathically contact Santa Claus so she could ask for a new bathroom rug to destroy]. 

This week could not be more uneventful. No last-minute meetings.  No major deadlines. Nothing particluarly special.

So I'm soaking up the normal and preparing for the half marathon-holiday party-state audit-road trip-Christmas madness.

I've got two weeks to break in my hot new sneaks before my next half marathon.

I'm enjoying old sights & new tunes (and a  CAPTIVATING PODCAST) on my remaining training runs.

I'm enjoying scrumptious re-fueling smoothies and rest days packed full of Hulu & reading.

Today in particular I'm missing (but celebrating) a life that is no longer and applauding two new lives that have just begun.

Today is Grandpa's birthday! Growing up, I always thanked him for his birthday because it helped me remember the date of Pearl Harbor. Namely, that Grandpa's bday falls one day after the anniversary. Oddly, my husband's bday falls ON D-Day. But that's another story. Truth be told, I'm not a history person, but I am a birthday person. I guess this is all coming out to honor Grandpa & his wife the history teacher (There you go, guys).

The beautiful 6 pound newbies came on Pearl Harbor day (a new reason to remember the historic event, I guess).  All of this to say that yesterday, my best friend gave birth to twins!! A daughter named Alivia and a second son (who just happens to be the spitting image of his big brother) named Tyler. I am bursting with happieness, and cannot wait to meet them. I can't wait to give my girl an all-in-one high five/hug/cheers to a job well done. She kept those little nuggets safe and warm as long as she could, until they were ready to come out and play with us.

So, lots of love and a tip of the hat to Paul Haserodt.  And cheers to a family that went from 3 to 5 overnight!

Apple-approved new running shoes.