Friday, November 20, 2015

Friday Five!

{pretty details at Le Bon}

This week wasn’t quite as productive as I had hoped. I got hit hard with the flu Monday morning and was bed ridden through Wednesday morning. At least I was able to continue recovering in bed on Wednesday working from home. With proper hydration and another long night’s sleep I was feeling (almost) back to my old self on Thursday… just in time for Wine Club. I may not have indulged in as many libations as usual, but the company of the ladies is really what I look forward to each month!

Happy early Thanksgiving! This weekend I get to hang with the fam for my side of the holiday! As per usual, my Mom and I will see the newest (and last) Hunger Games tomorrow morning… since there are no more Twilight or Hunger Games movies to see around Thanksgiving what will we see next year?! Hmmm… Then Courtney is arriving tomorrow afternoon and I CAN NOT WAIT! Clink to the start of the holiday season!!

Friday Forte:

{when sickness hits me with lack of appetite, a Shirley temple is the only thing that sounds good!}

{shades of purple}

{November Wine Club! image via}

{these kids…}

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