Tuesday, January 6, 2015

2015 New Year’s Resolutions

I know some people think New Year’s resolutions are just a way for one to push off their actual “goals” towards the back half of the year and not actually follow through with them past January in the New Year. I’ve heard people say that they don’t set New Year’s resolutions because they are constantly bettering themselves throughout the year.

While I can respect this thought process, for me New Year’s resolutions work. The New Year is as a fresh start. Do I try to better myself throughout the year? HECK YEAH! Do I constantly set goals for myself? Abso-fricken-lutely! But what’s wrong with a fresh start giving you a little motivation? I love having a list of things to work on at all times. I am a list maker by nature, so New Year's resolutions just seem natural for me. 

Fresh year. 
Fresh start. 
Clean slate.

Whether they are personal, physical or psychological, it’s fun to put pen to paper and document how you did at the end of the year compared to your goals! And hell, I’m not perfect! Let me tell you that I did not learn how to cook in 2014. Nor did I rid myself of road rage in 2013. But I tried and thought about these goals more than if they were never at the forefront of my mind. Do I continue to try to better myself in these areas? Definitely. No one is perfect. We’re all a work in progress…

Here’s to another year of working towards becoming the best version of myself!

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