Thursday, December 20, 2012

Holidays in NOLA

Even after 4 winters here, it's still SO weird to see palm trees, wear sandals and see green everywhere just days before Christmas.

As much as I love not having to make my morning commute on black ice or through several feet of snow, I will admit I'm really looking forward to traveling north this weekend to a more "normal" holiday atmosphere.

Here are a couple of images of what I'm seeing now as holidays and winter are in full swing in my southern, warm, humid home of New Orleans...

Canal Street downtown NOLA

This picture is legit. Promise. 
It's along my running route, actually
 (in the yard of a ridiculous southern mansion).
 Look at how high up those lights go! I have been watching them put these up for weeks now using cherry pickers. Imagine the 
stunning sight in person! 

Looking forward to snow in Michigan & Chicago! 

Happy holidays!

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