Friday, December 18, 2015

Our 2015 Christmas Card Photo Shoot 2015

Max and I were both hacking and sneezing this ENTIRE photo shoot, but luckily awesome editing and sunglasses can hide the bags under eyes and our Rudolph red noses. Regardless it’s always a blast shooting these pics for our holiday cards. Posing in completely random ways and trying to be serious through it all is definitely worth the pain of getting Max to actually cooperate.

Enjoy J


  1. Oh, I love the ones with Chadsworth!!!!

  2. Oh, I love the ones with Chadsworth!!!!

  3. I agree with mom! Bring back Chadsworth and Fat Cat! Second choice= the 3rd one, with you sippin' & Max puffin'. But they're all smokin' hot. PS: Since when does your fireplace work? Did I know that? You rock. Your house rocks, sis.
