Friday, February 7, 2014

Friday Five!

{white fireplace! After a coat of primer and two coats of paint, we’re good to go! I love how crisp this looks and it really is such a change for the living room… I’m still working on how to properly decorate the mantle. For now the “snow covered trees” are more than appropriate}


This week was a lovely combination of uneventful and relaxed. I had a movie date night with a friend, worked on some home renovations (FIREPLACE!) and settled back into the winter routine of five day work weeks and minimal daylight. Although, BONUS, the days are in fact getting longer. Cheers to that!

Happy opening ceremonies of the Sochi Games! This weekend I plan on indulging in half pipe, long jump, tobogganing and downhill skiing, oh yeah and watch the Winter Olympics. We plan on having a serious Mario Brothers Wii Winter Olympics battle with friends, and maybe get crazy on some snow mobiles. Might as well take advantage of this weather, it’s not going anywhere!

Friday Forte: 
(so, because of this song I am going to have to be a girl and see this movie…) 

{hot cocoa & movie night to break up the week}

{these little gems are gonna kick that 10k’s ass in May!}

{new book I’m looking forward to digging into… BONUS: there are music suggestions throughout!}

{combat love}


  1. love the fireplace!! xxo

    1. Thank you! It used to be a tan color that made it blend in with the room. Now it's a focal point!
