Friday, June 24, 2016

Friday Five!

{new landscaping sneak peek}

Michigan has been blessed with the good weather bug! We’re in the midst of that time of year when we see the most sunshine we’ll see for the next 365 days. I am trying hard to take advantage of it and soak up each second, including magazines on the porch until 10 one evening and more and more al fresco eating.

This weekend I’m hosting a gymnast reunion in Grand Rapids! Snuggling a newborn, SUP yoga, champagne, a festival in Eastown and a night downtown are all on the agenda. Can’t wait to unwind with my girls!

Friday Forte: 

{Celebrity Wine Club}

{got the urge to make popcicles! Loving these molds and have already eaten 5 of my strawberry/flax milk concoction}

{Cakaberry after yoga for an indulgently delicious French Toast cupcake (at least it was vegan…)}

{kitty legs peering out from under the bed}

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