Friday, June 28, 2013

Friday Five!

{drove sis by our home that we get to move into in 30 days or less – the SOLD sign gave me goose bumps}

I was worried that my post-exciting-weekend-blues would last for a few days, but I was pleasantly surprised that this week has been rewardingly busy, filled with so many things that make me happy. Some VERY sweaty yoga sessions, catching up on picture organization while watching How I Met Your Mother, addressing Thank-You cards (actually more fun than I thought it would be) and an AMAZING dinner night with two fellow Grand Rapids bloggers snapped me right back to reality and a normal routine (oh yeah, work was good too!).

Tonight Max and I are heading to a White Caps game (check). Good old American fun with some beers and laughs. The remainder of the weekend Max is heading to his hometown for some fam time (fishing?), while I, weather permitting, am dedicating myself to boating and relaxing with grapefruit juice + champagne, my new favorite combination thanks to A Beautiful Mess (champagne and prosecco are the same thing, right? France vs. Italy…whatever). CHEERS!

{Winchester dinner awesome with Grand Rapids bloggers Tieka & Kayley}

{my summer wardrobe the last couple of weeks – mint mint mint!}

{New kind of Skittles that magically appeared in our vending machine J}

{one red bag delivery to kick off the weekend :)}

1 comment:

  1. The Golden Girl Cocktail IS easy and sounds really amazing! I'll have to serve that refreshing treat here in the deep, HOT SOUTH! Thanks for the tip!
